Introduction to Carradice Bull Terriers....

The affix "Carradice" was registered in 1985 with the Kennel Union of Southern Africa and has grown from strength to strength over the years. "Carradice" is situated close to the banks of the Vaal River in Vanderbijlpark on a 2.5 hectare plot - about an hours drive south of Johannesburg. Here is how the love and passion for Bull Terriers began...
In October 1982, shortly after Wynand & Elaine were married - he offered to buy his new wife a pet to keep her company whilst he was at work. Elaine immediately replied that she wanted a BULL TERRIER. Now at that stage - neither of them had, had any experience with the breed and Wynand was not in favor of owning one! But he nonetheless said okay, and so they went out and bought their first Bully - a Red & White called "Tessa". It is because of "Tessa", that the love story with Bull Terriers really begins and the seed sown for the future. And what a future it is becoming.....
It was only a matter of time and having been left some money from her father, Elaine decided to get a couple more. And so went out and bought 3 Brindle bitches, which proved to be the worst mistake - as although lovely and loving pets - they were not of the quality that they wanted. These 3 bitches however, were the ones that introduced Wynand & Elaine to the wonderful world of dogs, clubs and showing!
Wynand & Elaine had a very slow beginning to showing and it took them a year or two in the show ring before they could win a third place rosette! However, through it all they stayed "students" of this breed, becoming ever more hungry for information and still firmly believe that "you learn something new everyday". Their philosophy is to breed, own, show and enjoy sound animals and very importantly for them is to have the genetic depth for quality. Today they can look back with a great deal of pride. They have bred and owned several champions and the success of the breeding programme has produced the Supreme Bull Terrier of the Year 2003 AND no less than 5 Major Trophy Show qualifiers for 2003! Although, they have had tremendous success in the show ring, the dogs that live with Wynand & Elaine come first - and the responsibilities of breeding good, sound, healthy dogs sits very firmly in the forefront of any breeding that is done. Their vision for the future - is to enjoy the years to come and to make a positive contribution to Bull Terriers and Dogdom.
Wynand served as Chairman of the Northern Free State Bull Terrier Club for 10 years and also held this position for many years at the Highveld Ridge Bull Terrier Club. He has also served as Chairman of The Provincial Council of the Free State and the Northern Cape. He served the Centenary Terrier Club as Chairman for more than 10 years, and was on the South African Bull Terrier Club for 3 ½ years; whilst on the SABTC Committee, he served both as Chairman and Vice-Chairman.
Wynand is a qualified Bull Terrier Judge at Championship Show level, and is qualified to judge the balance of the Terrier Group at Open Show [Non-Championship] level. His judging appointments include:
Championship Shows -
2009 - Northern Free State Bull Terrier Club
2008 - Western Province Bull Terrier Club
2007 - Major Trophy Show (Supreme Bull Terrier - RSA)
2006 - South Australia Bull Terrier Club Inc.
2005 - Central Free State Bull Terrier Club
2004 - Natal Bull Terrier Club
2003 - Northern Transvaal Bull Terrier Club
2013 - Limpopo Bull Terrier Club [contract has been signed]
Open Shows -
Central Free State Bull Terrier Club
Northern Transvaal Bull Terrier Club
Natal Bull Terrier Club
South African Bull Terrier Club
Vereeniging & Districts Kennel Club - Terrier Group
Cape Terrier Club - All Terriers & BIS
Transvaal Fox Terrier Club
Transvaal Terrier Club
Goldfields Kennel Club - Terrier Group
Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of Transvaal
Breede Rivier Kennel Club - Terrier Group
Liesbeek Kennel Club - Terrier Group
Wynand is a Consultant for the Chemical Industry and also farms on a part-time basis. His other loves include - travelling, fishing and motor sport. Elaine, prefers a quieter - albeit, a hectic life. She loves to be around all her animals during the day, and will "waste" many hours watching puppies growing and playing! Without Elaine - Wynand reckons that there would never be a Carradice Bull Terrier Kennel!
Besides all that Elaine does, she has been known to assist Wynand in the show ring as well.....
Wynand & Elaine, together with their son - Divan, are the proud owners of a pet food business called BHENYATI PROMOTIONS.
They are the proud owners of the following pet food brands: Emerald Gold, TLC and Bella.
We hope that you will enjoy your visit and do check back, as these pages will be changing constantly.....

Wynand & Elaine Lourens
Carradice Bull Terriers